Friday, January 22, 2010

A Little Bit of Everything....

So I'm not sure if anyone still reads this....but I like to write anyways. :) Let's Begin

Follow up from last time-
My alien invaded face is improving, but at a slow enough rate that my self-esteem is suffering... I feel like when people look at me they are thinking, "Ah, you know that girl has potential to be attractive....but wait what the hello is going on with her face....she should get that checked out....." then there's the next part of me that reprimands myself for thinking that even strangers' lives are revolving around my insecurity....but *sigh* I want my skin to grow up with me....come on now. Am I asking for THAT much.?...

I LOVE my organic chemistry class....people think I'm crazy...but chemistry is actually starting to make sense to me. And I love when I can understand the subject matter to the point where I feel comfortable teaching other people how to get through the homework. Pathophysiology is interesting :) we're learning about the immune system right now, and it's almost turning me against taking drugs of any kind.... for example. When you get sick, your body gives you a fever ON PURPOSE so that it can kill the bacteria in your body.... like the pansies that we are, we take medication to make the fever go away, but then we still have all of this bacteria thriving in our bodies and we get prescribed an antibiotic to kill the bacteria... and then if the drug has any side effects then we have to take something else entirely....all of this we could have avoided if we would have just put up with the fever for a couple of days. Granted- there are times when our bodies aren't strong enough to fight off major infections and need the extra boost of medications....but you'd be much better off not messing with things in the first place.

Ballroom auditions were relatively's actually really nice to know that you have a guaranteed spot on the tour team and not have to worry about competition or anything else really. My friend Annie was moved up to tour team, and even though I love her's strange to see her on team lol. Just because I'm not used to it yet, and had become so accustomed to the dynamic last semester....and then I wonder what the people who have been on tour team for years feel like- because the team changes every single semester....hmm.....

The Retreat
Last weekend was the BDC (Ballroom dance company) retreat up to the university's cabin. Good times. I had so much fun last year and knew that I wanted to go again this time. STUPID IDEA. I don't think that my ballroom director is the brightest man around sometimes....when it comes to dance/choreography/such then he's great but in the dancer-common sense department....kinda slow. At the retreat they always play these highly physical games with a high chance of injury risks.... last year I broke my thumb while enagaging in just these sorts of games. So this year I opted to sit on the sidelines.....Gah, I don't know WHY he wants us to play these you really want a bunch of your dancers injured?!?!  One of the girls ended up falling and hitting the back of her head on a chair- Alycia playing nurse immediately starts checking for signs of a concussion...and sure enough- she has every single one on the checklist....not to mention that by this point she's already in shock and going into random convulsions. So me, Colby and Becka leave the retreat to take this girl to the emergency room and spend the next four hours waiting for doctors, swearing under our breath, and getting cat scans of Melissa's brain.....

Complaints of the no particular order....
  1. That Mark insists on playing games which end up in injury....
  2. The none of the directors even went with three of the students to take one of their "prized dancers" to the emergency room after they were partially responsible for her injury....and then didn't use the dance company's insurance to pay for all of the scans-which are NOT CHEAP my friends.
  3. That it took us literally and hour and 45 minutes once reaching the hospital to see a doctor....if she would have had internal bleeding or hemorraging....she could have DIED in that amount of time.... WTF emergency room.... HEAD INJURIES TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER EVERYTHING ELSE SHORT OF SEVERE BLEEDING, HEART ATTACKS, STROKE AND CODE BLUE. For the love of the almighty....don't make me run your emergency room for you. 
  4. the fact that once the three of us had made sure that Melissa was safe and had returned to the retreat.... NOTHING was said to "Hey thanks for making sure we didn't just kill one of our students" or "We appreciate that you would take your time, energy and money to do OUR jobs for us."
Needless to say, I'm still LIVID that it even happened, and at how everything was handled.

In other much brighter hospital news, my new assignment for this semester is....drum-roll please....working in the Operating Room!!!! Oh I'm so excited!!!! : D : D : D I haven't started yet, but you'd better believe that I will have some great stories for you.

Classic Alycia Moves....
This is the part of the blog where I share my latest most embarassing moments....which happen often as evidenced by this blog being plagued by them...

          < Underneath it All >
Okay, so Thursday morning, I wake up, dance for two hours and then I have a two hour break before my first class....there are some days that I spend time getting ready, make myself a nice breakfast and saunter to class....and then other days (the majority) that I go back to bed for another hour and a half and attend class looking like some kind of sea creature....
Thursday was a sleep-sea creature kind of morning.... after chemistry I have an hour between classes and I decided that I HAD TO shower because even I was grossed out at my current lack of hygiene. So I run home, dump all of my stuff in the front room and do a sprint/strip on my way upstairs......

It isn't until I get out of the shower that I remember that my robe is in the washing machine....and still soaking wet.....okay, no big deal...I'll just wrap up in this little towel and scamper to my room....
I then discover that in my haste I've locked myself out of my a towel. Now when I say towel- that's being generous.....we're talking mid bustal high-high thigh..... the next conclusion is that my keys are I go downstairs to get them....and my roommate is standing in the kitchen making lunch with three of her rather attractive male friends....AWKWARD.
One of the guys did try to dispel the awkward by saying,
Guy #1, "Wow, I feel like I should at least ask for your number're the ballroom dancer right?"
Alycia, "Yeah........"
Guy #2, "I can tell....."
We all laugh nervously..... I grabbed my keys and tried to gracefully ascend without flashing anyone haha.... oh it was a great morning.......

               < Excellent Plan Alycia >
After friday's classes I hike to my car....I say hike because getting anywhere on this campus when there is snow feels like you're trekking Everest....honestly I keep resisting the urge I have to yell out "Sherpa!!!!"
I finally get back to my car and by this point in time, I'm sweating in a scarf, hoodie and feather down coat.... so I roll the windows down as I'm snowed several inches last night and has been continuing to do so off-and-on all day today. As I turned the corner, all of the snow that was on top of the car came in through the window and I literally white washed myself in my own car....hahahah As I sat there covered in snow all I could do was laugh and imagine the absolute hilarity of someone else watching this happen hahahaha. Who does that? I do.

The Masquerade Ball
Tomorrow the BDC is hosting a formal masquerade ball...and I'm SO EXCITED to be going!!!! Although it should be pretty interesting, because everyone is going....including all of the people that have caused/been part of so much ballroom drama from last year....everything from ex-boyfriends, ex-bestfriends, to the random newly vindictive hook-ups, friends with unrequited love, all of the ballroom teams, and then all of the strangers who get to witness this train wreck. I feel like we're creating our own twisted episode of Days of Our Lives.....except for with the amount of violence and drama I'm may be more CSI than soap network.... and with masks more like Saw.....again, I'm looking forward to having more stories to share :)

I hope that this blog makes you laugh....feel better....or at least entertains you for however long it takes you to read it.

Love you all!!!!

Until next time,
Bon Voyage

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Back in the Action!

Hello World! I'm sorry that I haven't been able to write. After Thanksgiving, finals needed all of my attention and thereby the blog received none. I hope that you all aren't feeling too abandoned!

So.... Spring Semester started this week and although it's only the second day, I'm already excited for everything to get going and for my life to reach it's usual stage of stress/mayhem/time crunches. I have a couple of highlights for you right now and  then I'll write again next week once I have racked up a bunch of stories for you!


The Skin I'm In- Okay, let's be honest....Alycia has really ridiculously difficult skin. The Kicker- it was more manageable when I was in the teens; now that I've graduated to the "adult" category and all of the hormone changes that go with skin kinda rebelled....I feel like my skin has, "Peter Pan syndrome," meaning it never wants to grow up. I've been dealing with moderate acne issues for a while and although you may never be able to tell (thanks to my makeup prowess) once the illusion fades- not a pretty situation.

Over the Winter break my skin was getting worse...and worse....and then when I thought it couldn't get worse- oh lanta it DID. So at my wits end I made an appointment with the Dermatologist back in Cedar.
Bright and early Monday morning I sally forth to yonder skin professional-hoping for an immediate cure. Turns out Alycia has a bacterial infection, on her face. Meaning that this is way past acne.....bacteria are instead making my skin their own personal winter cabin. LOVELY. 

Needless to say I was put on all kinds of antibiotics, topicals and such, we'll see how that turns out.

Shake and Bake- This one time, there was an earthquake right outside of Cedar.... it was SO COOL and scary and a 4.1 on the rictor scale. I was sitting on my bed chatting on facebook when there was this huge rumbling sound and everything shook for 7-ish seconds. My first instict was that someone had run their car right into the wasn't until I was driving to school that the radio confirmed the earthquake suspicion.

Classes- Of Course there's going to be at least a paragraph of blog dedicated to my college education! My Chemistry class is going to be awesome! I had this professor for chem lab last semester and I really enjoy the way that he teaches. Also my friend Annie is in my Chemistry class! So we'll get to endure an hour of that together every day for the rest of the semester..... Pathophysiology is going to be great...mostly due to the fact that it's the same professor who taught my Physiology class....who I happen to have a strange student-teacher crush on....basically he is beautiful. And I don't mind listening to him lecture...AT ALL. Too much information for the internet? Perhaps. But I don't mind sharing with the....5 people who may or may not actually read this....

Ballroom- rehearsals start up tomorrow morning and I'm so excited to be dancing again. :) Brace yourself for a paragraph of cliches. I can't explain it in words....but the closest thing- dancing is like therapy for me. Stress relief. Something that's just for me. It's like everything that I hold back, can't explain and all of the emotion that never gets expressed....somehow when I dance- it all sorts out. I can think clearly. I leave all of that anxiety on the floor. And when the dance shoes come feels like they take the weight on my shoulders with them. People tell me that it's a distraction, but what they don't understand is that it centers me. It keeps me from letting the rest of my life overwhelm me. that WAS too much soul for the blog.... :)

Anyways- I'll be back next week to regale you with more stories. I hope that everyone is off to a great start in 2010, I love you all so much.

Until Next Time,
Bon Voyage.