Monday, October 25, 2010


I'M ENGAGED!!!!! To none other than the amazing James. :) FACT.

Last Friday, (Oct. 22nd) James was traveling up to Salt Lake to visit me and had Jazz tickets for friday night's game against the Kings. He had told me that they were GREAT SEATS, but that where they were was a surprise.....
We drive down to the game and as we're walking in, he puts all of his stuff in my purse so that we can walk through the metal detectors without too much hassle. Once inside we are walking down to our seats....and we keeping going....and going.....until we comfortably settle into our 8th row seats. That's right ladies and gentlemen. 8th row. James, being the devout Jazz fan that he is, asked me to bring my camera so that we could get pictures of the game from our awesome seats. (did I mention 8th row???) So I asked him he wanted the camera and when I went to get into my purse to get it he offered to get it- so I just handed the whole bag over.

At halftime we went up to the Fanz store to pickup some jazz gear for James' siblings. James said that he wanted to get me a little jazz bear but alas, the store didn't have the new bears in yet -because of the color and logo change. We watch the rest of the game and after the Jazz WIN we are sitting in our seats waiting for people to clear out of the arena. I'm watching the jumbotron, players being interviewed.....James and I are chatting about random things when James says, "I was gonna have the Jazz bear help me with this......" Now this took a second to register...not understanding what he was talking about I look over and he's on one knee with the ringbox out.
At this point I'm STUNNED....and get choked up (like a girl) he asks, "Will you marry me?" and slips the ring on my hand as I say, "Yes." And hug him very very tight.

Looking back there were so many little things that should have added up- but I was not expecting to get engaged that night....AT ALL. Not even suspicious enough to be watching for signs. For me it was like any other weekend that I get to spend with James, I was just happy to be there and with him. James and I have this big date planned in December, and I thought FOR SURE that that is when he was gonna propose....surprise!!!

The background to this story that I later learned is that James decided on proposing to me on...the sunday before this friday and had tried everything to make it special. Tried to get it on the jumbotron- they don't do that anymore apparently (LAME) Then he tried to book the Jazz bear to help him out....but the jazz bear was all booked out. His brother Christian had the idea of getting a little jazz bear and when I was out going to the bathroom or something he would put the jazz bear and the ring in my seat....but that plan was foiled because the store didn't have jazz bears haha. So he had to ask me the old fashioned way ;)

Apparently James was super nervous and flustered the entire night- but he never let on. So sneaky! The reason proposing at a jazz game is significant- during the school year our ballroom team performed during halftime at a jazz game and it was that weekend that James and I started liking eachother and spending time together. So everything came full circle :)

I can't resist....sing it with me! The circle of liiiiiiiiiffffffeeeeeee!!!!!!!! haha. Just a little disney interjection to brighten your day.

This entire past weekend has been wonderful! And after being engaged for less than 24 hours, James and I already had the temple and reception center booked! We don't mess around!  Saturday James took me to breakfast, we made the engagement official...aka putting it on facebook. Watched the BYU game, went to the reception center, then had a downtown date that consisted of Olive Garden dinner, temple square wandering, window shopping and a movie.

Sunday night right before James left to drive back down to Cedar  he said something that I will never forget. We were working out our -see you when- schedule....

James: "When do I see you after Halloween?"
Alycia: "When do you wanna see me after that?"
James: "Every day."

:) I'm so excited for when that can happen. I am so happy with him, and with the way everything is working out. Love him more than anything and everything? understatement.

Until next time,
Bon Voyage

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Is this real life?

Trying to stay more on top of we go....

Special Olympics:
This past weekend I was able to watch James coach Basketball at the Special Olympics and it was awesome! He was completely in his element and he works so well with the boys that he coaches. My dad and my sister came with me to the games on Saturday- when I was telling my dad about the events the night before he became really invested and was set on coming with me. His face lit up when he was watching them play and he wants to get more involved with the Special Olympics next year as a volunteer- which I think could be the start of something beautiful.

Tada!!! Coach Taylor and his number one fan!
To celebrate James' coaching I got him a basketball and had all of his boys sign it :) Even though I later found out that it wasn't the first ball he received as a coach- he still did appreciate and I felt brilliant for thinking of such thoughtful things.

While we were watching one of the games, my dad (who likes to strike up a conversation with anyone about anything no matter where we go) started talking to one of the photographers there. Jaime and I weren't listening very intently but could still hear their conversation when my dad said something that caused both Jaime and my jaws to hit the floor, "Well we're here to support my oldest daugher's FIANCE...." Now my dad has always been the kind of man to downplay dating relationships while my mom on the opposite side talks them up. So when my dad is calling James my know he's invested....There have been so many little things that make getting married to James feel real...but hearing my dad call him my fiance when we're not engaged yet upped the real factor by ten.

It was really weird to see James but not BE with him... I could talk to him inbetween games and I even got to sit next to him while we were watching the college basketball team practice- but not being able to hold his hand or anything like that when I haven't seen him for two weeks....weird/annoying. My parents make me dad used to travel a lot for work and sometimes he'd be gone for two weeks at a time- my mom always tells me that it's not that long...but what she doesn't consider is that while my dad would be gone for two weeks....he'd then be home for at least a full week before leaving again. I see James for less than 48 hours when we have little weekend trips to each other's end of the state. And I don't get to sleep in the same bed as him! So HAH...... hah meaning I'm jealous of your married schedule and sleeping arrangement...

Commute= Lame
I know that in any major city EVERYONE drives an hour to work. I'm just choosing to complain about it. I hate that it takes me over an hour to get to work and then equally as long to get back to the house. I did the math- I work 5 days a month to pay for the gas to get back and forth to work. RIDICULOUS. I like my job- even though I have to deal with really rude people, I really like who I work for and the people I work with.... I just want the commute to die a slow and painful death. Not even chronic condition painful... more like performing surgery without anesthesia and then giving the commute just enough pain meds to stay alive but not take the pain away and keep it at that rate for about a month.... graphic? Perhaps. But that is how much I truly hate this driving business. I have been applying to jobs closer north because this drive is going to suck even more once the crazy weather snow nonsense begins. I honestly have considered moving down here.... The money that I spend in gas could cover a shared bedroom rent.... so that's still a thought.

Jackson needs to complete a 90 day workout program as part of some physical fitness requirement for scouting and Alycia has been losing tone/stamina/overall fit level since ballroom season ended- so I said that I wanted to be his workout buddy and then William jumped on the fitness last night we started working out- and we so happened to have the P90x DVD's...and it's a 90 day that's what Jackson decided to do. Oh HALLO. I knew I was getting out of shape...but last night was embarassing... I could only do 3/4 of the reps before I was spent and today I'm so sore that getting in and out of my car is a challenge.... how did I let this happen?! Fit, hot, young thing rockin' a bikini in Puerto desk job slob who can't make it through a workout DVD....really Alycia....really?! pathetic.

I know that I need to eat better, and now that I'm accountable to my 13 year old brother for fitness...I have to step it up in that department. I drink lots of water, but I need to cut down on eating out and soda and all sorts of things that I KNOW are not a good plan. I need motivation.....I imagine a wedding dress or cute clothes or things like that...maybe that will start working....

Moral of the story is-
Be consistent in taking care of yourself for the real long term health benefits. Deep breathing exercises work wonders on road rage during work commuting.

Bon Voyage.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My Life Lately....

Hello everyone out there in blogging world! It has been a rather long time since I've graced you with my cyber blogging presence so I decided now would be as good a time as any to write the first of many updates to come for this year. And it allows me to catch all of you lovelies up on what's new, what's not and what's going on in Alycia's life.
People say, "Oh Alycia is so self-centered that she has to talk about herself online...." But the point of this blog is so people that want to know what's going on with me can. If you don't wanna hear me talk about my life....then why would you read my blog? That's right, you ponder that.

I am taking a much needed semester off and then am contuining to work my way towards nursing school at Westminster. So I'm not at SUU which leads to the next part....

Living with the Parental Units:
While it may not be trendy or fiercely independent to move back in with your parents after living on your own- it sure is economically savvy. As in NO RENT. And even though curfews, having to participate in tons of "family bonding" (which I'm certain makes us more frustrated with each other...) and having to smell the hormonal and nauseating aroma of teen boy are all not my cup of tea- cushioning my savings account is right on the money. Pun most definitely intended. And since I'm not paying rent it allows me to save the majority of the money I make from....

My Jobs:
Currently I have 3. But it's more like 2 1/2... I work a regular 9-5 job as an administrative assistant which pays nicely and I ADORE the other assistant I work with which is always nice....downside- it's a bit of a commute.....but I'm over it. I also nanny part time and am a brand new product consultant with doTERRA. I am LOVING the essential oils and have weaned off of the boatloads of prescription meds that I was taking daily before. I feel so much better- almost like my body is happier without all that crap in it. Plus not having to take 16 pills a day is nothing short of lovely. So I've started a little savings fund that will continue to grow over time.

A topic that still pains longer part of the ballroom team, and not enrolled in classes....but there is a studio up in Salt Lake that I want to start up with that is all Latin all the time. Which makes my Latina soul smile :) ay ay!

El Amor de mi Vida:
Still very VERY happily dating James. October 4th was our 6th month dating anniversary (ahhhh.....) And it amazes me how every day with him still seems to get better and better. He's still living in Cedar, with his family in an effort to save money so we've been long distance since August- and I won't lie to you, at first it was really hard for me to adjust. I'm used to being the doting girlfriend with the guy who is never more than a short drive away. And after having him 5 minutes from me all used to get really annoying to not be able to run over to his house when I needed something or just wanted to see him. We've worked it out where we get to see each other twice a month, and I've gotten comfortable with it. The only thing that kills me is when one of us has had a really bad day, and I can't hug James. It will be really nice when we just get to come home to each other-  I am so looking forward to marrying him. And before all of you start panicking, no we're not engaged yet, and no you did not miss any epic proposal stories. Please allow your heart and breathing rates to return to normal.

My Family:
I'm enjoying the quality time that I do get to spend with my family. My brother Jackson is the sweetest boy ever! Whenever I've had a bad day, need a good laugh or even a TV watching buddy- he's always got my back. Jaime and I have actually gotten to spend some time together- and I feel like I'm getting to know her for the first time...the real her, the person she's growing into and it's beautiful and inspiring to watch her come into her own; and then it makes me wonder if I'm already that person? Or if we are constantly inching closer to the kind of person we ultimately want to become?   
It's been good to be around my mom again, she has a gift for being able to change any mood. Now that can also work in a negative way....but generally she helps me to calm down and feel more optimistic.
My dad lost his job two months ago and is still out of work, he is my enrolling consultant for doTERRA, but doTERRA is a business that you build over time- not instant money. The company he worked for still hasn't paid him his bonus or for the last paycheck he earned- but the bottom line is that the sooner he can find work the better.

Life in general:Everything has been distance for me. All of my very best friends are still at SUU, and so I haven't seen them in months- Lizzy is awesome about making sure that we keep up with each other's lives and we talk on the phone several times a week in an effort to stay current. :) That girl is the electricity behind the light of my life, I'm so grateful for her.
I feel so distanced from some things and then surrounded by others- my life doesn't feel like it's spiraling out of control...but I do sense the imbalance, like I'm choosing to ignore certain areas of my life. In an effort to reclaim some of the things I've temporarily abandoned- I've started reading again, like really really reading to get some mental stimulation going- it's nice to have time off from schoolwork....but every now and again, I miss the challenge and being able to conquer new material. I also make sure that I dance a few times a week. Even if it's just jamming out to music in my room- it keeps me centered to stay moving. James and I talk on the phone every night and are reading the book of mormon together- we're almost done with 2 Nephi now :)

Overall life is good, a little lonely at times- but never lacking in fullness. I hope this post finds you all in good spirits, healthy and happy.  The book I'm reading right now inspires me so much, but there is a particular quote that I feel ties together both this post and the tone of many of our lives,

                   "Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead let life live through you.
                                      And do not worry that your life is turning upside down.
                      How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?"

Until next time,
Bon Voyage

Don't you DARE put me on hold...

Step one: I don't like to be put on's not about the fact that I'm not very patient...but if I've called you it's because I need an answer or help with something right then-

Step two: what could you possibly be doing that takes 35 minutes....if you're gonna put me on hold for longer than 2 then PLEASE just call me back when you have the two minutes it will take to answer my questions.

Step 3: HOLD MUSIC. Atrocity. It needs to be illegal, and in fact maybe it is in some corners of the world. I think I might be arrested somewhere for even saying the words "Hold" and "Music" together.... It's either really horrid 80's era music that would have NEVER made it onto the radio during or after the 80's, renaissance fair music gone terribly wrong or smooth jazz that doesn't really have a melody beat or any other musical qualities. All of which can either be played abnoxiously loud or both fuzzy and deafeningly loud.

Putting me on hold + hold music = a near death experience....for whoever is responsible for this nonsense.